Week #6 (4/27)

DAY # 6 (Week of 4/27/20)
Gustuv Klimt “Tree of Life Lesson Plans”

Using tissue paper, glue, and black and white tempera paint, students will make mixed media art inspired by Gustav Klimt’s “Tree of Life”

Time frame: 20-25 min

12″ x 18″ white paper (poster paper)
tissue paper in warm colors
tempera paint (black, white, brown) 
water containers and water
glue, old paintbrushes and old yogurt containers

Students should watch this video: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiFoq3t7K3oAhXPc98KHauJCisQyCkwAHoECAUQBA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DCXQ7n0ezr_A&usg=AOvVaw0UCDEwUs-KwGISEQsxU04F

** If students do not have tempera paint, they may use ripped pieces of construction paper, tissue paper, and anything they have at home. NEWSPAPER EVEN WORKS

Day 2:
Have students paint a “Y” shape on the middle of their tissue paper collages (using tempera paint). (( Students may use a permanent or black marker to draw the Y shape if they do. Not have tempra paint or any kind of black paint at home. Improvise)
Klimt Tree of Life art lesson plan for kids. KinderArt.com.

They can then add swirls to the ends of the “Y”.
 Klimt Tree of Life art lesson plan for kids. KinderArt.com.
Encourage them to look at Klimt’s original painting and then add more swirls to their trees.
  Klimt Tree of Life art lesson plan for kids. KinderArt.com.
Klimt Tree of Life art lesson plan for kids. KinderArt.com.

Students can stop here if they choose and continue with the following next week.

Day 3
 Roots can be painted next.
Klimt Tree of Life art lesson plan for kids. KinderArt.com.
Finally, white and brown paint can be added to embellish the tree symbol. (( if you do not have paint, use markers, pastels or anything you have at home))
 Klimt Tree of Life art lesson plan for kids. KinderArt.com.

Gustav Klimt painted the “Tree of Life” which is an important symbol in nearly every culture.
The Tree of Life represents wisdom, protection, strength, and beauty. It reaches up into the sky and down into the earth. It links Heaven, Earth, and the Underworld.

***Modifications for special ed students. Students may draw a tree of life the best that they can using any materials of their choice. They do not have to do a collage background if they are not able to, they can color the background in oranges and yellow with the coloring materials of their choice…Please do not stress, I understand you may not have these materials at home so do your best to improvise***

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